Friday, April 20, 2007

This is a set of "Nesting Bags" that I made for my March Color Swap partner. I will be posting a pattern for these soon; hopefully with a better picture. The pics I took of just these bags was on the oft lamented dud camera. I would love to find a few test knitters for this pattern as well as a lacy shrug pattern that I plan to post as well. Any volunteers???? Just let me know and I will email you the pattern.

I was really hoping to get a good picture of this purse because I thought it came out really cute. It was for my purse exchange. I guess I should be thankful; this was one of the best ones on the roll. Most of them are completely unusable.

You know how cats and dogs love to lie on the sun-warmed concrete on a cool but sunny day? Well, I caught all my... um, fur-babies warming themselves in the sun the other day and couldn't resist snapping a couple of pictures;o)

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

I am so proud of Bonni, my oldest. First, she is such a good mommy to my boys. And she has a really good job and is very responsible with her money, although she can be kind of a shopaholic;o) Right now, I am really proud of her because even though she is a single mom, raising her two little boys on her own, she is buying a house! I see soooo many people her age making the same mistakes I did and ruining their credit. That is really easy to do nowadays but Bonni has avoided that pitfall and should be moving into her own home sometime next month.
Your Vocabulary Score: A+
Congratulations on your multifarious vocabulary!You must be quite an erudite person.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Grrrr. I got a beautiful puffy with lots of cool green things in it from the wonderful Karla along with a really sweet encouraging note. I took a picture of it thinking I would blog it when I got the pictures developed. The freakin' camera apparently was a dud. I not only lost the picture from this swap but also several pictures of my little cowboys, Trey and Braiden, and pics of my donations for February to my charities!! Almost all of the pictures are way overexposed and have a weird line through the middle of them.

Anyway, thank you HUGE to Karla for my wonderful package. I love Simply Soft Chunky; use it all the time so that was perfect for me. The kids took off with the tea and the snacks immediately so I don't even remember what all was in there8O) The book was perfect, though and so was the yarn.

Have I mentioned how much I miss my digital camera!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't get a replacement for Christmas, I didn't get one for my birthday in February; if I don't get one for Mother's Day, i am going on strike!!!