Tuesday, July 14, 2009


A lot of things going on nowadays scare me. I am very worried for the future of my country. But I think this scares me more than just about anything I've heard.

In Rhode Island, at the "oldest 4th of July parade in the country," a Tea Party group had a float in the parade. They agreed to follow the rules of the parade and even went further. Other floats were allowed to throw lollipops and so forth from their floats but this group was told they couldn't throw tea bags "because they might put out someone's eye." Okay, well, they want to follow the rules and not violate any safety issues so they don't throw tea bags or anything else.

Next, they want to play PATRIOTIC music so they ask for a PA system. The other floats were given a PA if they asked for it but this group was denied. Instead, they were given a bullhorn. Seriously! I'm not making this up! My imagination couldn't have come up with stuff this crazy!! Oh, and let's not forget that they were told they couldn't have people on the float dressed as Indians either. Other floats... yeah you get the idea.

So, parade day comes and our intrepid band of patriots are dressed in their patriot outfits to celebrate the founding of this nation. I guess a little while into the parade, they are not only kicked out of the parade but BANNED FOR LIFE because a fellow not even on the float was walking alongside the float and handing out subversive materials to the crowd. Yup, that dirty rotten scoundrel used our country's celebration to hand out... wait for it... Pocket copies of the Constitution Bill of Rights!!!

A lot of things worry me lately but I have reached a new level of fear for our future. If this was published in a fictional book ten years ago, it would have seemed riduculously far-fetched. Now it is our reality. Welcome to Obamaland. Are you happy now?


Linda in FL said...

You honestly really think Pres. Obama made the rules for the float parade? Ummm, I think I'd be having a talk with the people on a county level first.

Still Not Goin Quietly said...

I think that the far left (as far as it gets honestly... around here we call it Marxism) have gotten control of the government, finally, with Mr. Obama leading the charge and they are creating the most anti-American atmosphere I have ever experienced in the country. People are being led to be ashamed of their own country (the greatest country on Earth - flat out) and to forget just how precious and perfect a document the Constitution is. I think that people never before would have believed that they could get away with bullshit like this. That is what I honestly think. Thanks for asking.