Friday, August 28, 2009

I would never have believed I would hear an official of the United States Government praising Fidel Castro... and being applauded! Seriously? SERIOUSLY?! Are you f'ing kidding me??? I'll give you a quote followed by a link to Michelle Malkins blog with a video. California! WTF?? You seriously elected this wench?!

It was just mentioned to me by our esteemed speaker, “Did anyone say anything about the Cuban health system?”
And lemme tell ya, before you say “Oh, it’s a commu–”, you need to go down there and see what Fidel Castro put in place. And I want you to know, now, you can think whatever you want to about Fidel Castro, but he was one of the brightest leaders I have ever met. [APPLAUSE]
And you know, the Cuban revolution that kicked out the wealthy, Che Guevara did that, and then, after they took over, they went out among the population to find someone who could lead this new nation, and they found…well, just leave it there (laughs), an attorney by the name of Fidel Castro…

Sorry for the lack of link. Blogger still isn't letting my links go through. And yes, if you look back through my posts, I most certainly know how to post a link but it just isn't working lately. And yes, for the record, it is starting to piss me off!

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