Thursday, September 03, 2009

President Obama says we should judge him by the people he surrounds himself with. Wish granted. His appointee John Holdren in his own words:

“Individual rights must be balanced against the power of the government to control human reproduction. Some people—respected legislators, judges, and lawyers included—have viewed the right to have children as a fundamental and inalienable right. Yet neither the Declaration of Independence nor the Constitution mentions a right to reproduce. Nor does the UN Charter describe such a right, although a resolution of the United Nations affirms the “right responsibly to choose” the number and spacing of children (our emphasis). In the United States, individuals have a constitutional right to privacy and it has been held that the right to privacy includes the right to choose whether or not to have children, at least to the extent that a woman has a right to choose not to have children. But the right is not unlimited. Where the society has a “compelling, subordinating interest” in regulating population size, the right of the individual may be curtailed. If society’s survival depended on having more children, women could he required to bear children, just as men can constitutionally be required to serve in the armed forces. Similarly, given a crisis caused by overpopulation, reasonably necessary laws to control excessive reproduction could be enacted.

It is often argued that the right to have children is so personal that the government should not regulate it. In an ideal society, no doubt the state should leave family size and composition solely to the desires of the parents. In today’s world, however, the number of children in a family is a matter of profound public concern. The law regulates other highly personal matters. For example, no one may lawfully have more than one spouse at a time. Why should the law not be able to prevent a person from having more than two children?”

And on forced abortions etc:

“One way to carry out this disapproval might be to insist that all illegitimate babies be put up for adoption—especially those born to minors, who generally are not capable of caring properly for a child alone. If a single mother really wished to keep her baby, she might be obliged to go through adoption proceedings and demonstrate her ability to support and care for it. Adoption proceedings probably should remain more difficult for single people than for married couples, in recognition of the relative difficulty of raising children alone. It would even be possible to require pregnant single women to marry or have abortions, perhaps as an alternative to placement for adoption, depending on the society.”

So, as for me, I judge this man a complete and total nutcase who has no business being free on the streets! And I judge any president who would appoint him to an important position in the federal government... the SAME! How about you?


Jo said...

Can you please tell me where you got this? I mean, what magazine, newspaper, etc? I agree, the guy is a nutcase!

Still Not Goin Quietly said...

Jo, you are absolutely right, I should have given the source material! I know better! When I started hearing the rumors about this guy, I spent quite some time on internet and library searching for the man's views in his own words cuz... well, cuz that's how I do things. I believe this was from "Ecoscience" but I don't have the materials at hand to verify that for certain. He claims that people take his words out of context but he is crazy in any context!