Thursday, March 08, 2007

I finally got the camera developed with the picture of my Color Swap package from Julie. This was the January "metallic" swap and she did a fantastic job of finding cool metallic stuff and stuff that I would love. I couldn't believe she sent me a drop spindle and some fiber. I have been wanting to have one of those for a loooong time. Swapping like this is actually really good for me because i have a really hard time buying things for myself. I can always think of so many things I would rather get for my kids or my friends or for charity rather than something that I would like to have just for my own pleasure. I'm sure all the nurturing types out there know exactly what I mean. You Moms, Aunties, adopted grannies... you all know who you are;o) Anyway, this way I get to have some of the goodies that I would love to have but just never get around to buying for myself. Julie, you definitely came through on that score!!
I wish I had gotten a better picture. (Yes, I am now going to gripe once again about how much I miss my digital camera - another one of those things it is hard for me to put out the money for just for my own pleasure.) Anyway, I can't even remember everything that was in it cuz I've already used so many things so this is not a complete list. In addition to the drop spindle and fiber and the Aunt Lydia's yarn with the metallic thread through it (I love that stuff - use it all the time!), I really loved the butterfly applique and the purple and green beaded edging. There was yarn and knitting needles and shiny fabric and several varieties of beads and charms and some beautiful handmade stitchmarkers (I get comments about those anytime I knit in public.) For crafting, there was gold metallic cord and silver metallic braid, royal blue glitter and metallic fabric scraps. For my scrapbooking (did I mention that I scrap or is Julie psychic?) there was purple and green paint and embossing powder, a little silver frame, a whole stack of cool papers and loopy eyelets. I know there are things that I am forgetting but things have already been dispersed into my different projects. Suffice it to say, my puffy raneth over!!! THANK YOU JULIE. You were a great swap-buddy, hopefully at some point this year, you will be my recipient;o)

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