Thursday, March 08, 2007

This is a picture of the last batch of hats and scarves I sent to Stand Up for Kids. That is a charity that my Knitting for Children yahoo group supports. I actually sent these several weeks ago but just now got the pics developed.

I didn't use a pattern for a single one of these. Just very basic stuff. I really liked the way the black and pink one came out though. I think I'll do some more like that one in other colors. I like making the blue and orange (Go Broncos) but I figure that everyone isn't a football fan ;o) Plus, we are told that the kids like pretty basic colors. The blue with brown specks is actually two yarns held together and I liked the way it looked. The lightest one (on the right - doesn't show up very well) is also two yarns held as one but I didn't like it as well as the other one. I thought there was a hat out of the strata that matched the strata scarf but it didn't make the picture somehow. There were also a couple pairs of fingerless mitts that I didn't photograph. I probably won't send anymore boxes to SUFK afther this month since Spring will be almost here. I'll be sending more to Parkland, the Reservation Women's Shelter and so forth. There is always someone to knit for8O)

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